Monasch by Best Wool empowers a circular future.

Inspired by nature’s perfection, we care greatly for people and the environment. Fully aware of our responsibility of preservation of nature’s beauty we continue our efforts in creating comfortable and healthy living environments.

To improve the quality of live is an important part of our mission. Innovation and quality are our driving core values. We feel obliged to protect nature by reducing our footprint and producing woollen carpets and rugs that bring health benefits for end-users.

Monasch by Best Wool significantly invests in her circular future. As well-known entrepreneurs in our industry we have worked together with Niaga® (Niaga backwards spells “Again”) to develop manufacturing technology which enables decoupling the polyester backing from the wool pile so that both materials can be separately reused. This innovative technology is a vital part of our next generation carpets and rugs, that will be fully circular as soon as we have taken this big step forward.

We started engineering a five meter wide production-line to apply the in-house technology. Likewise our offices and current production facilities, this new production line will be powered by solar energy. Furthermore we will continue our frontrunners position by engineering a decoupling-line that enables recycling and re-use of raw materials. The entire process should be completed within 3 years.

Yvar Monasch, CEO, states that this development is a huge step towards a circular future: “We consider clean and sustainable production methods the way forward to operate. This is extremely important for the wellbeing of our employees, the surroundings in which we operate and the global climate challenge facing our generation. It is our ambition to be an authority in the field of circular flooring by 2030”.

The new production line will be accommodated in the current production facility for which the material storage location will move to a newly built warehouse. Installation of the machinery will follow towards the end of 2022. The new facility will be operational early 2023.